Monika Celebi
Monika Celebi is a National VIG supervisor and trainer, parent-infant psychotherapist and movement therapist with over 30 years of clinical experience. She specializes in the perinatal period and working with families on the edge of care. She has been involved in establishing VIG within many different organisations. Monika is the co-founder of Babies1st, a non-profit organisation supporting families in the perinatal period using VIG and Watch Wait Wonder with individual families and with groups. Prior to training as psychotherapist, Monika worked as the manager of the first refuge for women and children escaping from domestic violence in Haifa and as movement therapist in psychiatric institutions in Austria, Israel and the UK. Monika has lectured and published widely on the subject of perinatal interventions, and has edited ‘Weaving the Cradle - Facilitating Groups to Promote Attunement and Bonding between Parents, Their Babies and Toddlers’. She also provides training in video interaction guidance (VIG) and in facilitating parent baby groups both nationally and internationally.