For Professionals
The suggestions below are in addition to the resources we recommend For Parents & Carers.
We've grouped our suggested resources into:
- Organisations
- Reports
- Books
- Apps
Parent-Infant Foundation
At the beginning of October 2019, PIPUK launched an exciting new organisational strategy and rebrand, changing their name to the Parent-Infant Foundation. Their mission is to support the growth and quality of specialised parent-infant relationship teams across the UK.
As part of this they have launched two new resources:
Rare Jewels Report, which explains what specialised parent-infant relationship teams are and why they matter. The report describes parent-infant teams, like OXPIP, as ‘rare jewels’ because they are small, scarce but hugely valuable. It set out an ambition for specialised parent-infant teams to be available across the UK in the next 10 years, able to support all families in need.
A comprehensive Toolkit to support local areas wanting to set up or further develop a specialised parent-infant relationship team. OXPIP contributed to the Toolkit and there are various references to our training courses. The Foundation welcome constructive comments and feedback from others working in the sector ahead of version two being created in January 2021.
The First 1001 Days Movement is a group of organisations and professionals working together to campaign about the importance of the emotional wellbeing of babies. Their website contains lots of useful information and resources including infographics for campaigning on why relationships between parents and their babies in the first 1001 days are so crucially important and baby brain facts (under 'Campaigning Resources'), and infographics explaining infant mental health (under 'Updates').
AIMH (UK)(Association for Infant Mental Health)
Exists to generate awareness of and knowledge about the importance of infant mental health, not only for the long-term well-being of the child, but for society more generally. They aim to do this by education professionals, resourcing practitioners and parents and advocating for the infant’s needs across both statutory and non-statutory sectors in the UK.
Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA)
MMHA is a coalition of UK organisations with a vision to see all women across the UK get consistent, accessible and quality care and support for their mental health during pregnancy and the year after giving birth. Their Mums and Babies in Mind has a useful resources hub.
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
The NSPCC stands up for children, demanding that laws change and action is taken to better protect them. Lots of great resources including information about the Parents Under Pressure Programme for families with drug and alcohol problems.
The ChildTrauma Academy
This is a charity based in Houston, Texas is a unique collaboration of individuals and organisations working to improve the lives of high-risk children through direct service, research and education.
An American organisation which offers a comprehensive interactive resource for parents, early childhood education and social and health care professionals on healthy development of children ages.
- Rare Jewels Report - Parent Infant Foundation (as above)
- 1001 Critical Days report: The importance of the Conception to Age Two Period
- Early Intervention: The Next Steps: An Independent Report to Her Majesty's Government - Graham Allen MP 2011
The Practice of Psychoanalytic Parent-Infant Psychotherapy: Claiming the Baby (second edition)
by Tessa Baradon et al. (2016)
Weaving the Cardle: Facilitating Groups to Promote Attunement and Bonding between Parents, Their Babies and Toddlers Edited by Monika Celebi (2017)
This book is helpful for those interested in our Parent-Infant Group Work Training.
Finding Your Way with Your Baby: The emotional life of parents and babies
by Dilys Daws and Alexandra de Rementeria (2015)
Explores the emotional experience of the baby in the first year, and that of the mother, father and other significant adults.
Parent-Infant Psychotherapy for Sleep Problems - Through The Night
by Dilys Daws with Sarah Sutton (April 2020)
Why Love Matters: How affection shapes a baby's brain (second edition)
by Sue Gerhardt (2014)
Sue Gerhardt co-founded OXPIP so this book is definitely one that we recommend!
by Graham Music (2017)
Parent-Infant Psychodynamics: Wild Things, Mirrors and Ghosts
by J Raphael-Leff (2018)
by D.Stern (1995)
by Selma Fraiberg, Edna Adelson and Vivian Shapiro
- Baby Buddy (Best Beginnings)
- The Wonder Weeks
- Vroom