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Where to find us
We are based on the upper floor of the K Centre; admission is by buzzer (no.10) however whilst we are working remotely please call the work mobile of the person you are coming to see. There is a lift available (controlled from upstairs) so please ask if you need it.
There is very limited, short-term parking behind the K Centre, accessed via Foresters' Way (beside Tesco). If you are visiting us for less than 3 hours these spaces will suffice.
There are normally spaces on Benmead Road, which you can access from the Banbury Road. For more certain longer term parking we recommend using the Oxford Parkway Park & Ride, OX2 8HA, from which you can get buses no.2 or 7 (see Buses below). The bus journey is about 10 minutes.
Oxford Parkway is the nearest train station (also a Park & Ride car park). There is a regular bus service (no.2) which takes about 10 mins to Kidlington High Street, which stops outside the K Centre. Other buses including 500 (Park & Ride) from Oxford Parkway, stop near Exeter Hall on the Banbury Road, approximately 2-3 mins on foot via Sterling Approach, or the S4 which stops at the Black Horse, Banbury Road, near to the High Street.
If you accidentally get off in Central Oxford, you can take the following options:
No. 500 (Park & Ride) from stop R1 at the Rail Station, goes via Oxford Parkway but also stops on the Banbury Road (Exeter Hall) as above.
Magdalen Street (see map) Stop C1: City2; 2A; 2D to High St Kidlington - outside Tesco which is just along from the K Centre
Stop C3: no.7 to High St Kidlington (Tesco)
Buses from Central Oxford take about 30 minutes depending on the route.
We recommend ABC Taxis - 01865 242424
There is a Holiday Inn just off the A34.
If you have any problems finding us, please feel free to give us a call.