For Parents and Carers
New resource from the Anna Freud in response to the invasion of Ukraine...
How to talk to your child/ teenager about the invasion of Ukraine from BBC Bitesize
We've grouped our suggested resources into:
- Apps
- Books
- Videos
- Organisations
These apps are also supported by accompanying websites
Baby Buddy
This is the free award winning app for pregnancy, birth and infancy from the parenting charity Best Beginnings. It is a great resource for parents and those who work with them.
The Wonder Weeks
This app explains when your baby is taking a leap, how to help them through it and make the most of it through lots of resources
This free app is full of science-based tips and tools to help parents and caregivers give children a great start in life today—and an even better future.
Finding Your Way with Your Baby: The emotional life of parents and babies
by Dilys Daws and Alexandra de Rementeria (2015)
Explores the emotional experience of the baby in the first year, and that of the mother, father and other significant adults.
The Psychology of Babies: How relationships support development from birth to two
by Lynne Murray (2014)
An instructive and accessible account of the psychological development of children aged 0-2 years and how it can be supported by social relationships.
The Social Baby: Understanding Babies' Communication from Birth
by Lynne Murray and Liz Andrews (2005)
Based on evidence about the development of communication in infants collected in research institutes around the world, this book uses accessible text, picture sequences from video footage and captivating illustrations to provide a window into the rich and complex social world of babies.
What Every Parent Needs to Know: Love, nurture and play with your child
by Margot Sunderland (2016)
The ultimate handbook for parents who want to make evidence-based decisions about how to care for their child.
Why Love Matters: How affection shapes a baby's brain (second edition)
by Sue Gerhardt (2014)
Sue Gerhardt co-founded OXPIP so this book is definitely one that we recommend!
Brazelton Centre UK
This video is a great resource for new parents to learn what babies are really saying.
This video explains how experiences build brain architecture, giving a great insight in to what is going on in an infant's brain
An Oxfordshire postnatal support group for mothers who are worried about their mental health or wellbeing, with great resources on their site.
Oxfordshire Breast Feeding Support
Provides local breastfeeding support in the community in weekly drop-ins in and around Oxford, facilitated by experienced IBCLCs and breastfeeding support workers, and supported by specially trained volunteer peer supporters.